NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, recently admitted to guilt in 18 counts of California state campaign finance law violations. For breaking the law eighteen times, NOM...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is well-known for stealing. In the past it’s been copyrighted photographs, copyrighted magazine articles, and copyrighted music. More recently, it...
The New Civil Rights Movement’s Scott Rose today made a Freedom of Information Act Request regarding Robert P. George to the United States Commission for International...
According to Robert P. George‘s Princeton University bio, Robert George sits on the Board of Directors  of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC). George...
On August 9, 2012, the Austin American-Statesman published a story titled: “Flap over study on gay parenting raises questions about private funding for research.” The story...
The National Organization for Marriage‘s “Yes on 8” — the group responsible for getting Prop 8 on the ballot and getting it passed — has admitted...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study –allegedly, but not actually, about gay parents’ child outcomes — carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University...
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study on gay parenting carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin. Regnerus’s known total of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel, facing a possible nomination to become Secretary of Defense, today retracted anti-gay comments he made in 1998....
We have been reporting on an invalid sociological study on gay parenting carried out by researcher Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas, Austin. Regnerus’s known total of...
The National Review as an Organ of Arrogant Bigotry Robert VerBruggen writes for The National Review, which was founded by the white supremacist William F. Buckley,...
In 2010, Brian Brown, president of NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, gave a deposition and admitted that in 2009, his organization spent $8 million fighting...
NOM’s and Maggie Gallagher’s Anti-Gay Lies For this article, the definition of the word “lie” is understood to include, but not necessarily to be limited to:...
I never did like the smell of gay philosopher John Corvino collaborating with NOM’s Maggie Gallagher on a book, Debating Same-Sex Marriage, and book promotions during a presidential election...
When a judge ordered the release of the so-called National Organization for Marriage’s anti-gay, race-baiting strategy documents, the towering civil rights leader Julian Bond said, “It confirmed a suspicion...