Here we have yet another example of why the Catholic Church should be stripped of its tax-exempt status. 501(c)3 tax exempt organizations, under IRS code, are not...
Joe The Plumber, whose real name is Samuel Werzelbacher, appeared on CNN today and attacked reporter Zoraida Sambolin for asking him if his positions on homosexuality...
NOM President Brian Brown sent a frantic fundraising email tonight worrying about the “sanctity” of gay comic book weddings. Brown, who freaked when Northstar proposed, and...
In its dirty War Against Gays, the National Organization for Marriage never has hesitated to tell lies, more lies, and even more lies towards perpetuating the absolute...
Gallup’s just-released job creation numbers prove the economy is rebounding, posting the highest gains since the September, 2008 crash, during which the presidential campaign took a...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, Monday attacked Starbucks for its recent position reaffirming support for same-sex marriage equality in its home state of Washington, in...
The list of nominees for the GLAAD Media Awards has been released, and we are proud, surprised, and humbled to announce that The New Civil Rights Movement is...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is childishly suggesting that the Obama For America campaign ad featuring actress Sarah Jessica Parker advocates polygamy and incestuous marriages....
GLAAD today announced it is expanding its newly-created Commentator Accountability Project (CAP) to include NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and televangelist Pat Robertson. “NOM was already...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is positioning the November 2012 presidential election not as a referendum on President Obama, but as a referendum on same-sex...
Today is NOM‘s 24-hour Dump Starbucks fundraising drive. Let’s all go to Starbucks and show our support! Today, to show my support, I’ll be working from my...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today released the following press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 7, 2012 Contact: Anath Hartmann or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004) NOM...
“Dump Starbucks,” a boycott of the coffee retailing giant by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is a tremendous failure. After 50 days in action, by...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, in a fundraising email blast to supporters claimed yesterday that “We also do not use the marriage issue to elect...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, has been hacked again, the second time this week. This time, the hackers limited their attack to the Twitter account...