Mitch Daniels, the current Republican Governor of Indiana, announced Sunday morning he will not run for President in 2012. The 62 year-old Presbyterian is best-known for...
In the past six months, the “brave new world” of the 21st century has erupted  into massive and immediate political, social, economic, and environmental change, foisting...
    THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary May 19, 2011  Remarks of President Barack Obama “A Moment of Opportunity†U.S....
Every year around the Holidays the radical religious right and their minions attack Barack Obama and his family, claiming the President is waging a war on...
Newt Gingrich has finally succumbed and signed Bob Vander Plaats Family Leader’s marriage vow. The vow, the first this election season, was the subject of scorn...
President Obama’s State of the Union address last night — all sixty-two minutes, all 6820 words — was met with expected mixed success. Most on the...
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) delivered a Tea Party-sponsored “response” to President Obama’s State Of The Union address, complete with lies, fear, more lies, more fear, and...
Editor’s note: This article is by Paul Lakeland, and originally was published in The Huffington Post. It is reprinted here with his permission. From my position at...
Marriage equality, LGBT immigration, the challenges same-sex married binational couples and their families face — and what marriage really means. Columnist David W. Ross explains. Yes. I...
United We Win: Memorial Day Weekend At The New Civil Rights Movement  “Recent oil price hikes increasingly look like the result of speculation,” wrote The...
Editor’s note: See update that the bottom. Yet another new poll, this one released Tuesday morning by CNN/Opinion Research, shows majority approval in the United States...
On Sunday, September 11, “God Hates Fags” protested at the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks at New York City’s Ground Zero World Trade Center...
Is it acceptable to demand presidential candidates take a vow against marriage equality and women’s rights, and pledge to stay monogamous? The  conservative group The Family...
House Republican leaders Boehner, Cantor, and McCarthy won a Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) committee vote moments ago that will authorize the U.S. House of Representatives to...
Editor’s note: This guest post by Scott Wooledge was originally published at Daily Kos and is published here with his permission. Scott Wooledge writes at the...