“If you hate what you’re hearing about the FBI Kavanaugh investigation, know this is precisely how the White House will run the Russia investigation if they...
The Federal Vacancies Act Kicks In
Rosenstein denies report: "Based on my personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment."
"No one should question his integrity..."
'Multiple Interview Sessions'
'Without Redaction'
Trump took a break from disputing the facts of the Hurricane Maria disaster to sing his usual tune about the Mueller probe.
'Nightmares at the White House Will Be Unending'
Prosecutor Says There Is a Cooperation Agreement With Manafort
Total Value of Assets Manafort Is Forfeiting Is $46 Million
Will he flip?
“This is very low-level person who will … basically subvert the vote of the American people," Trump Jr. says.
"This may be a break-out moment for the junior senator from California."
“I’m sure we will,” Giuliani promises.
McGahn Testified Before Mueller for 30 Hours