Donald Trump has reportedly been "fuming" over Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
'What Do You Think About That, Do You Even Care?'
Fox News anchor Sean Hannity panicked on air over a bombshell report revealing President Donald Trump tried to fire special counsel Robert Mueller - and MSNBC's...
'First Time Mr. Trump Is Known to Have Tried to Fire the Special Counsel'
Johnson Called for 'Special Counsel' to Investigate 'Corruption at the Highest Levels of the FBI' Based on 'Secret Society'
'So Much Smoke There' GOP Senator Says - Offering Exactly Zero Proof
Obstruction of Justice?
'Hillary Was for Windmills'
In or Out?
'Melania Was in Tears-and Not of Joy'
'You Should Have Called the FBI Immediately' Bannon Says of the Meeting
The FBI's inquiry into Russia's meddling in the 2016 presidential election, and what role Donald Trump and his campaign may have played in it, reportedly began...
Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a New Year's telegram to Donald Trump asking for constructive dialogue between the United States and Russia.
'FBI TAINTED' Trump Lies
CNN: 'FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Backed Up James Comey's Claims That President Trump Requested His Loyalty'