When he was a minor, Josh Duggar was reportedly the "alleged offender" in a sex abuse incident - and his dad turned him over to police,...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are now Mike Huckabee's top supporters. Who did they drop to back the former Arkansas governor?
Ordained Baptist minister and former Republican governor Mike Huckabee will bring his unique blend of Southern charm and anti-gay hate to the 2016 presidential race.
Mike Huckabee this week told a group of Christian Hispanics he speaks their language - no, the other one. Except, he really doesn't.
Mike Huckabee this morning posted to Twitter his presidential campaign announcement video even though he hasn't officially announced White House run. Worse, it's embarrassingly out of...
Ted Cruz in Iowa lies to Tea Party Republicans about "religious freedom" laws as he attacks Democrats over their religious beliefs.
Mike Huckabee once again proves he is unfamiliar with the U.S. Constitution, and willing to say anything to win the White House.
The New York Times just published an op-ed by Gov. Bobby Jindal that is ugly, anti-business, anti-gay, and violates the principles of the First Amendment.
A group of pastors and conservative businessmen in a small Arkansas town are fighting a bill that would protect LGBT people from discrimination. Claiming gay, and...
A mechanic who owns a Michigan auto repair shop is refusing to serve gay people, refuses to obtain proper business and trade licenses, and seems to...
Former governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will reportedly announce when he will announce his decision on his candidacy for president yet gain, tonight.
The owner of a Michigan truck repair shop says he's a Christian and "would not hesitate to refuse service to an openly gay person or persons"...
Gov. Bobby Jindal is using his last months in office to pave the road for his 2016 presidential run, regardless of the costs to his state.
In the wake of the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act imbroglio, today Democrats in the U.S. Congress filed a resolution stating LGBT people must not be...
A top Hillary Clinton aide has just announced she is running to become the next President of the United States of America.