In 2005, Republican Michele Bachmann — an extremely anti-gay politician who made her name in state politics by opposing same-sex marriage and trying to pass a...
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) delivered a Tea Party-sponsored “response” to President Obama’s State Of The Union address, complete with lies, fear, more lies, more fear, and...
Minnesota Congresswoman and chief Tea Party Caucus wingnut Michele Bachmann obviously is the stupidest person in the U.S. Congress. Before I tell you why THIS TIME,...
National Organization for (Straight) Marriage’s Maggie Gallagher has been trying to muscle in on the media attention surrounding Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. First there was...
In January 2018, Right Wing Watch broke the story that lawyers for religious-right legal giant Alliance Defending Freedom bragged at an anti-choice conference that the 15-week abortion ban that had been...
Americans woke up last Wednesday morning to a new reality: Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark legislation granting a woman a right to an abortion, was...
Right-wing author and pundit Eric Metaxas announced on his radio show Tuesday that he will emcee “Let the Church ROAR,” the Dec. 12 prayer rally on...
President Donald Trump Wednesday morning congratulated a QAnon conspiracy theorist who has racist, Islamophobic and anti-Semitic beliefs for winning her Republican Congressional primary. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now the...
Group included several anti-LGBTQ activist extremists.
As he inches closer and closer to being impeached President Donald Trump is working hard to secure his base.
'This Is a Spiritual Warfare, This Is a Battle' Franklin Graham Said
Trump's anti-LGBT actions have been far, far worse and damaging than many ever imagined.
'Our Christian Heritage Will Be Cherished, Defended, Protected Like You've Never Seen Before' Trump Promised Conference Attendees in 2016
Report: 'Within Days of the Meeting, Mr. Trump Took Action, Announcing His Transgender Military Ban'
White House Appears to Be Consulting on Legislative and Judicial Policy Issues With Far Right Wing Christian Activists