'Your Silence and Your Amnesia Is Complicity' Booker Charges
'The Poverty of an Aspiring Immigrant's Nation of Origin Is as Irrelevant as Their Race'
"President's motorcade arrived at Trump International Golf Course at 9:07 a.m."
Bannon, in the Dog House and Desperate to Recover, Says His Support for Trump Is 'Unwavering'
'The President Erupted in Anger in Front of Numerous White House Officials, Saying He Needed His Attorney General to Protect Him'
Claims 'Defamation by Libel and Slander'
'Melania Was in Tears-and Not of Joy'
'You Should Have Called the FBI Immediately' Bannon Says of the Meeting
Former Sheriff David Clarke Says '#Neverbackdown' Then Backs Down
The White House has confirmed that a private Trump helicopter utilizing a federally-funded helipad at Mar-a-Lago is not being used for a government function, despite its...
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke held a lengthy, Trump-style Twitter tantrum following reports that he was under investigation by the FBI.
'Question for Him Is Why He Said Anything to Me. Why Didn't He Just Keep His Mouth Shut?' Clarke Reportedly Said in a Text to a...
President Has Praised Charlie Kirk in the Past
'Trump Team Had Contacts With Russians Throughout the Campaign'
'With Friends Like These'