Dan Scavino Jr., an assistant to the president and the White House's Social Media Director, followed Donald Trump's lead and attacked San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz.
Laments 'Massive Debt' but Not a Word About the Human Suffering or All the Lives Lost
The Muslim travel ban was set to expire tonight at midnight.
Trump paused his attacks on the NFL to threaten North Korean leaders via Twitter.
Graham-Cassidy 'Would End the Current Health Law's Guarantee That Sick People Won't Pay Higher Premiums'
Firings of Flynn and Comey, and Russians in Oval Office Among Turmp's Actions Being Scrutinized
Donald Trump supporters gathered today in Washington, D.C. for the "Mother of All Rallies," but the event was seemingly anything but.
UK Officials Once Again Angered by US President
Sarah Sanders Calls for Firing of ESPN's Jemele Hill Despite Speech Being Constitutionally Protected
Report: 'Within Days of the Meeting, Mr. Trump Took Action, Announcing His Transgender Military Ban'
Some Must Apply for Renewal Soon
Former President Will Use Social Media to Reach More Than 100 Million People if Trump Ends Popular Program
'I Guess Donald Trump Is Now Preparing to Launch a Tweet'
President Tries to Discredit Former FBI Chief Who Will Likely Be Key Part of Trump's Downfall
Program Protects Immigrants Who Came to US Before They Were 16