Conway pivoted to ObamaCare and Benghazi when confronted with the White House's conflicting statements.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Claims Trump Weigh in 'As Any Father Would, Based on the Limited Information He Had'
'We Will Continue to Treat All of Our Personnel With Respect' Says Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Trump's latest Twitter tantrum also attacked Democrats, provoked Republicans and defended Trump Jr.
'Special Counsel Is Taking an Overarching Approach'
'It's Extremely Unfair, and That's a Mild Word, to the President. So He Recuses Himself.'
Watch: Trump Invites Senators to Lunch, Threatens Them on Live TV, Demands They Repeal ObamaCare
'If You Look at It, 48 - 4. That's a Pretty Impressive Vote by Any Standard'
'The President Was Clear Through His Tweet' Spicer Says in His First Press Conference in 3 Weeks
The President Kicks off 'Made in America Week' With a Lie
Jeanine Pirro Thinks Her Morals Reflect Those of Politicians Who Actually Believe in Serving the American People
Says Trump Jr. 'Scorned' by 'Fake News Media'
"When the President speaks out against human rights atrocities, or chooses to stay silent, the world pays attention."
The book will focus on Trump's "rarely discussed, deeply important religious beliefs."
So Many Trump Associates Have 'Forgotten' So Many Russians