Liberty U. President has said Trump "lives a life of loving and helping others as Jesus taught."
Minutes Before Appeals Court Hearing Begins to Determine if Religion Is Basis for Muslim Ban
Like Father, Like Son
"There are a disproportionate amount of assaults against children by homosexuals," Robert Jeffress has said.
Violation of Law? Possibly. Violation of Trust? Absolutely. Violation of Human Decency? Inarguably.
'This Was the Most Divisive Speech I've Ever Heard From an American President' Says David Gergen
Presidenting Is Hard
Who Thought This Kind of Hypocrisy Was Possible?
VIDEO: Ivanka Trump's Daughter Sings in Mandarin for President Xi Jinping
What's Stunning Is the Majority Once Did
Also Slams Georgia Democratic 'Congressioal' Candidate and Claims He's Exposed Obama's 'Failure'
Police are continuing to monitor the situation.
Have You Heard of Mike Cernovich?
"It Was An Order, An Instruction, A Command"
“We Must Fight Them!” Days after threatening 36 members of the Republican party, Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday morning to tout the “love and strength...