Every year the fact checkers at Politifact look review the past year to determine the single biggest "Lie of the Year." This year, it's Donald Trump's...
Donald Trump shocked MSNBC hosts by praising Vladimir Putin and saying he's better than Barack Obama, despite the murdering of political opponents.
Donald Trump's doctor's note certifying his state of health sounds just like a Donald Trump press relelase, and Twitter is having a great time mocking it.
Seriously, is Donald Trump just testing the level of stupid his supporters have?
Ted Cruz just endorsed the idea that America should ban people from America depending on what their religion is.
A new poll finds fascinating dynamics between Democrats and Republicans, and even among Republicans themselves.
Donald Trump's possibly unconstitutional proposal banning all Muslims from entering the U.S. is helping, not hurting him with GOP voters.
Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims entering the U.S.
In a new poll just released this morning, Hillary Clinton would win the White House, and in some match-ups, by double digits.
Donald Trump is now more popular than ever among Republican voters.
The New York Times Editorial Board just published an editorial attacking "Mr. Trump's Applause Lies."
This time Donald Trump has out Trumped Donald Trump. Has he gone too far? His supporters never will think so.
Donald Trump explains how things have not always been easy for him.
An Alabama Christian radio host asks Donald Trump to explain his "personal journey" in religion, Trump is all too happy to oblige.
"She's a special person." Listen to Donald Trump ramble on and on about how great Sarah Palin is.