Who's testifying, when, what Democrats and Republicans to watch and why.
Donald Trump, Jr. Wednesday morning appears to have outed the whistleblower whose formal complaint against President Trump led directly to the start of a damning impeachment...
"God made us male and female and gave sex for us to enjoy inside a marriage relationship between a man and a woman—not two men, not...
"You are co-conspirator & a traitor to the country. You will resign or be impeached within months."
ObamaCare actually reduces the federal debt.
"Trump should be impeached and Wilbur Ross should be fired."
Franklin Graham tries to whitewash Chick-fil-A's support of anti-LGBTQ bigotry.
Parents are demanding answers.
Border Patrol boss is in hot water.
A Commander-in-Chief "who is in over his head, has alienated our allies, surrounded by Actings and temporaries, and has no idea what he is doing."
'Left No Lie Untold, No Bond of Trust Unbroken, No American Value Untwisted'
The 2020 elections will include 34 U.S. Senate seats. 22 of them are currently held by Republicans.
Remember when Trump revealed "code word" classified information to his Russian visitors, or last year when eight GOP lawmakers spent the 4th of July in Moscow?
"She should resign. This is not acceptable."
"Talking about his motives, his emotions."