Donald Trump and Michelle Obama Take Second Place
Donald Trump's Team Isn't Performing Due Diligence on Cabinet and Other Administration Picks
Donald Trump Apparently Has Asked Ben Carson to Join His Cabinet as HUD Secretary, and Apparently Carson Has Accepted
In the wake of a crushing defeat and a stunning Donald Trump victory, now is the time to be an ally.
You Can't Claim to Be a 'True Texas Gentleman' and Vote for Donald Trump. You Just Can't.
Gingrich Defends Donald Trump: 'He's Not a Sexual Predator!'
Lying Rudy Giuliani Has Proven He Will Say Anything to Support Donald Trump's Candidacy. Sad!
'The Best Case for Hillary Clinton Cannot Be, and Is Not, That She Isn't Donald Trump'
Donald Trump Should Be Judged By The Anti-Semitic, And Otherwise Deplorable, Company He Keeps
Galifianakis asks, "When you see how well it works for Donald Trump, do you ever think to yourself, 'Oh, maybe I should be more racist?'"
No, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Not Equally Flawed Candidates
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Were Interviewed by Matt Lauer. It Didn't Go Well. For Democracy.
PayPal Co-Founder, Libertarian, Endorses Donald Trump, Denounces GOP's 'Fake Culture Wars'
Donald Trump and Family Have Totally Turned the 2016 Republican National Convention Into a Circus
In 1998 Donald Trump's running mate worriedly wrote, "some mischievous liberal at Disney assumes that Mulan's story will cause a quiet change ... about women in...