New Powerful 60-Second Spot Will Run in Seven Battleground States
'Restore U.S. Honor With Huge Defeat of the Fearmongering Demagogue'
"Witch's Coven Of Haters" To Convene In Houston Before Election
Trump Has an Overnight Twitter 'Machado Meltdown'
Stop-And-Frisk Is Unconstitutional Institutionalized Racism
Trump Was the Leader of the Birther Movement. He Still Is.
Who Wouldn't Love Taco Trucks on Every Corner?
Trump Pulls Massive About Face, Now Believes Mexicans in America Are 'Beyond Reproach'
In Historic Speech Clinton Says Trump Says 'Make America Great Again,' but His Real Message Remains 'Make America Hate Again'
Even Trump's Running Mate Knows His Lies Are Laughable
Former Minnesota Congresswoman Has Said A Hillary Clinton Victory Would Lead to 'Certain Destruction for the United States'
GOP Nominee Pledges to Make Republican Party 'Home of the African-American Voter Once Again'
James Dobson Is Asking Americans to Elect Trump So He Can Put Conservative Justices on the Supreme Court
Also, Trump Is Either Bad at Math or He's Lying
Kellyanne Conway Hoping New Strategy Will Win Over Voters