Trump Tells Evangelical Christians He'll Protect Them - What About Everyone Else?
GOP Presumptive Nominee Apparently Points Out Lone Black Person in the Crowd
'It's Not Cool to Not Know What You're Talking About,' President Obama Says of the Presumptive GOP Nominee
Group Tells Trump 'You Will Not Make America Great Again'
The Republican "Presidential" Debate Devolved Into Junior High Immaturity Just Minutes After Beginning
Stephen Colbert Mimics Responses From New York Tabloids To Take Down Donald
"He ran away from military service, now he's running from Megyn Kelly. Is there anything #DonaldDuck isn't afraid of?"
At the Golden Globe Awards, Ricky Gervais made a painfully, possibly true joke - one of the few political statements of the evening.
Half of American voters would be "embarrassed" to have Donald Trump as president, a new poll finds.
Some things are spot-on, like this viral video portraying Donald Trump as "The Grinch."
Donald Trump's doctor's note certifying his state of health sounds just like a Donald Trump press relelase, and Twitter is having a great time mocking it.
A new poll finds fascinating dynamics between Democrats and Republicans, and even among Republicans themselves.
Actor George Takei, who was in a U.S. World War II internment camp for people of Japanese descent when he was a child, offers strong condemnation...
U.S. Senator and GOP presidential candidate Lindsey Graham did not mince words on Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.
Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims entering the U.S.