Speaking at the G20 in Turkey, President Barack Obama took a strong swing at Republican presidential candidates and other GOP leaders.
Unless you're a political junkie, you likely aren't planning on watching tonight's GOP debate. Here's why you should change your mind.
Pastor Joshua Feuerstein, whose video protesting Starbucks for its plain red coffee cups went viral, talks to CNN. It doesn't go well.
The paper of record suggests the Texas Lt. Governor should be to blame for the next transgender teen who attempts suicide in the Lone Star State.
Republican presidential candidates are just the latest group of conservatives to claim the "liberal media" has it out for them. But really, let's talk reality.
Democrat Responds To Homophobic Lawmaker: 'Them's The Rules, Bubby'
Republican presidential candidates have all but declared civil war against the RNC. Here are the hilarious debate questions Twitter thinks GOP candidates would prefer at the...
"The mother should not believe that the baby is her enemy," says Ben Carson.
A small but effective group of white supremacists are claiming the new Star Wars movie is "anti-white propaganda promoting #whitegenocide," but the Force is on the...
John Oliver takes Republican presidential candidates to task for being so quick to bring up mental health only to take the focus off gun control when...
Hillary Clinton appeared in a well-received "Saturday Night Live" skit, and played along with some "self"-deprecating humor while taking a hilarious swing at GOP frontrunner Donald...
Ted Cruz is once again is evangelicals' choice for president.
Kim Davis will join fellow right wing religious liberty "victims" of same-sex marriage at the Family Research Council's annual conference this weekend.
Kim Davis revealed an exceptionally shallow ability to understand religious liberty arguments for anyone who's not a Christian.
A gay dad invites the pope to come to dinner with his family. It is time to realize that love, not procreation, makes a home.