The Commander-in-Chief appears to be spiraling even further into madness.
A few weeks ago Lahren attacked and mocked Smollett, saying, "You're lying Jussie, I can Smollett." And now this.
Attacks Used to Be Cloaked Under Guise of the 'Fake News' Media – Now It's All of the Mainstream Media
"See where the chips fall," says Nadler on the Mueller report
“Yeah, well, I think that when you use totalitarian tactics, people begin to act crazy,” Nunes claimed.
'Trumpian Frivolous Lawsuit'
Rep. Nunes is a grandstanding Trump-aficionado and conspiracy-theory loving far right Republican Congressman.
The First Lady's promises to work to prevent online bullying are in direct contrast to the President's "lost weekend" of rage-tweeting.
The Acting White House Chief of Staff pushed back on claims about President Trump
“You know who else thinks Tucker is a white supremacist? White supremacists!”
"It's a busy news week, and he's not going to take the mob's crap," Hannity said.
"I actually mean it in a completely f****t way," Carlson says.
'Are You Channeling Eric?'
'If It Weren't My Daughter I Would Love That Scenario' Carlson Said About 'Boarding School' Girls
It's almost as if he was unmoved by the tornado victims' suffering. The President did not post tweets of encouragement, no promises of help or support,...