"I hope they're searching their souls and are going to do the right thing."
"It's a big, fat, con job," Trump said of the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh.
“This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone," Kavanaugh says.
“In approximately 1982, I became the victim of one of these ‘gang’ or ‘train’ rapes where Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh were present.”
Lindsey Graham has decided in advance of Christine Blasey Ford's testimony that he will not change his mind on Kavanaugh.
Roy Moore. Rob Porter. Brett Kavanaugh. Rogers Ailes. And more. Trump always defends men accused of bad behavior.
'It’s Really Disappointing to See It. As a Woman, I’m Disappointed'
Misogyny alive and well in the Senate GOP.
“All during the investigation we have an open communication with them,” Giuliani admits.
'I Think She’s a Monster'
"This is NOT a celebration!!! What is wrong with you?!!"
Huckabee Sanders Echoes Trump's Own Attacks
"Ladies and gentlemen, things and its," were the words McPeek chose to begin the evening's event.
"Mr. Dorsey told one person that he had overruled a decision by his staff to kick Mr. Jones off," The Wall Street Journal reports.