'I Thought That When I Won, I Would Go to the Oval Office, Sit Down at My Desk, and There Would Be a Healthcare Bill on...
Ellen Says Trump Is 'Dangerous - for the Country, and for Me Personally as a Gay Woman' and 'To the World'
Trump Jr., Wife, and Conway No Longer Protected
UK Officials Once Again Angered by US President
'I Never Think It's Helpful for Anybody to Speculate on What Is an Ongoing Investigation'
'You Have Some Pretty Bad Dudes on the Other Side'
'We Have to Be Honest, That's Our Obligation to the American People' Sarah Huckabee Sanders Says. She Should Resign.
'I Guess Donald Trump Is Now Preparing to Launch a Tweet'
Trump Tells Reporters 'Things Are Working Out Well'
'When Gen. Kelly Is Talking About Clamping Down on Access to the Oval, She's Patient Zero'
'We Thank You for Acknowledging That Ultimately It Is God Who Is the Source of Our Unity as Americans'
'We Love the DREAMers. We Love Everybody.'
President Surrounded by 15 Faith Leaders
'We Want to Give People Peace of Mind'
Bannon Brags Breitbart Is 'The Platform for the Alt-Right'