Republican Wants to Use 'Entitlements' From 'People That Haven't Worked in Three Generations'
'This Is the Greatest Witch Hunt in Political History. Sad!'
'Someone Sent Me an Email. I Can't Help What Someone Sends Me. I Read It, I Responded Accordingly.'
For Mike Huckabee, Bill O'Reilly, and Others, Patriotism Is a Foreign Concept
Desperately Trying to Deflect from Donald Trump Jr.'s Stunning Admissions
"There's more questions on the Democrat side than anywhere else," Reince Priebus said.
'Public Service Is a Public Trust'
A Vision of Fascistic Nationalism That Ignores America's Beautiful Diversity and Promise of Freedom and Equality for All
"I'm President, and They're Not."
Conway Stunningly Claims Trump Tweeting Is 'The Democratization of Information'
'I Am Out at MSNBC' Van Susteren Tweets
White House Also Defends President
'He's a Profoundly Damaged Person and Every Day He Further Debases This Great Nation'
There Is Exactly Zero Proof of What Trump Is Charging
President Invites All GOP Senators to White House for Afternoon Confab