Sexual Harassment Scandals, Fleeing Advertisers
'He Saved Her Life' POTUS Says in a Lie
Nor Did Approval of Gorsuch to Supreme Court
'I Shouldn't Be Laughing' Host Admits
Are We Looking at a President Whose Grasp on Reality Is Slipping?
'Right-Wing Sexual Predators Stick Together'
Big Shakeup?
Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation Is a Form of Sex Discrimination
The Company You Keep
'Did Hillary Clinton Ever Apologize for Receiving the Answers to the Debate? Just Asking!'
'Hear Me Now, for I Speak as an Angel in the Words of God'
If Trump Thinks He Can Successfully Bully Members of His Own Party, Especially After a Massive Defeat, He's Mistaken
Hannity Attacks 'Liberal Snowflakes' and Tells Ted Koppel 'Liberalism Has to Be Defeated'
'No Deal'
'I Can't Be Doing So Badly, Because I'm President, and You're Not.'