Trump Proves There Will Be No 'General Election Pivot'
Texas Senator Sends Extremely Mixed Messages
'Vote Your Conscience. Vote for Candidates Up and Down the Ticket Who You Trust to Defend Our Freedom'
This the truth of the United States today where a reality star and businessman with highly suspect business practices coupled with a streak of racist behaviors...
Entire Colorado, Iowa Delegations Walk Out of Convention
One Suspect Dead
'Earmarks of Terrorism'
The Long-Awaited Endorsement From Former Rival Comes Less Than Two Weeks Before the Democratic Convention
'I've Met With Black Lives Matter. Has He?' Austin's Art Acevedo Says
Also Calls Protesters at Scene Thursday Night 'Hypocritical'
Presumptive GOP Presidential Nominee Also Doubles Down on Praise for Saddam Hussein
Young Man's Question Throws Palin for a Loop
Supreme Court Reverses Fifth Circuit Ruling on Republican-Backed Law
When You're a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail
After Meeting With 400 Top Evangelical Christian Leaders, Trump Says He Has 'Such Tremendous Respect and Admiration' for His New Group