Last night on “Hannity,” Senator Scott Brown (R-MA), talking about his “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal vote told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, “When they come home...
Yesterday, I wrote, “From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and...
Donald Trump, the thrice- bankrupt, thrice married billionaire said “I’m not in favor of gay marriage” to Fox News’ Greta Van Sustern. In the quarter of an...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an event held annually by a group of American right-wing conservative extremists, hell-bent on taking down Barack Obama and the...
Sarah Palin quit her bus tour today, according to reliable media reports, but the forty-​seven year-​old former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor of Alaska, former chair...
Rick Santorum today told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly that poverty rates decrease when you look at two-parent households in relation to single-parent households, so, naturally, everyone should...
Homophobic comments by a new religious leader at the proposed Park 51 community center in lower Manhattan — also known as the “Ground Zero Mosque” by...
Every year around the Holidays the radical religious right and their minions attack Barack Obama and his family, claiming the President is waging a war on...
J. Crew’s Jenna Lyons’ painting her son’s toenails pink has sparked outrage from the Right and a challenge from the Left. Writer Jay Morris explains. Long...
Newt Gingrich, the former, failed Speaker of the House who prosecuted President Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial yesterday on Fox News told host Chris Wallace he sees...
Today I’m responding to a few emails we’ve recently received. You’re always welcome to email me or leave a comment in the contact section. And please...
Brian Brown, the president of NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, spoke last week on Fox News about President Obama’s decision to no longer defend DOMA...
In The Weekly Standard, Rupert Murdoch’s “American neoconservative opinion magazine,” founder and editor (and, of course, Fox News contributor,) Bill Kristol (the man progressives, liberals, moderates,...
You may have heard conservative columnist and FOX News contributor Michelle Malkin, who appears several times a week, usually on Sean Hannity’s FOX “News” show, tell...
Since his days on Crossfire, aside from his bowties, I have loathed Tucker Carlson. His “positions” on just about everything reek of his rich-boy, Newport, Rhode...