Bondi Will Be AG Until January – What If She Needs to Prosecute Fox News?
Unlike the Bible the Sins of the Father (Or Mother) Should Not Be "Visited" Upon Their Children
'He Is Unhappy With the Tone of the Conversation of the Channel'
Says Everybody 'Uses Me'
'Fox & Friends Has the Casual Bigotry Down Pat'
“Those of you who have spoken to me in recent months, you will understand why I am leaving FNC.”
Fox News Hosts Claim They 'Got Hijacked' – Democrat Blames Their Lack of 'Due Dilligance'
'That Didn't Go as Planned'
The chances that Whoopi Goldberg is more violent than a drug cartel are slim.
'He Was Once a Real Reporter, Now He Aids and Abets a Propaganda Operation for a Living'
"Pretty much!"
'Anybody Who’s Read the Constitution Should Be Against Roe v. Wade' Says Far Right Pundit Ben Shapiro
Shine reportedly told a female executive that the network’s pattern of sexual harassment was a “necessary evil.”
No Time for a Daily Press Briefing but Huckabee Sanders Had Time to Do 'The Daily Briefing'
'Some Have Likened Them to Concentration Camps or Cages'