John Santorum, who has appeared with his father Rick Santorum in several social media posts for the campaign, was arrested and charged with DWI.
The false and debunked claims that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetus body parts just got even more debunked.
Police say two white men were caught on camera leaving confederate battle flags around the historic church where Martin Luther King, Jr., was baptized and eulogized.
The day after the mass shooting in Lafayette, Gov. Bobby Jindal tells reporters it's time to pray and grieve, not talk about gun control.
Governor Bobby Jindal is all about guns. He's a frequent speaker at the NRA, and he frequently posts images of himself and his family with guns....
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight same-sex marriage - and not all the bills have been paid yet.
A federal court just provided an important precedent for same-sex parents adopting children.
The Supreme Court case that legalized marriage equality about to get the Hollywood treatment from Fox.
Si Robertson wants atheists to know he thinks they don't exist - and he offers a rather unique reason as proof.
In what may be among the most disgusting acts of the 2016 campaign yet, Donald Trump is using the murder of a woman to further his...
Josh Duggar's problems may not yet be over, according to a new report by InTouch.
After Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore tried to derail same-sex marriage this week, a federal judge has stepped in to ensure the Supreme Court's ruling is...
Several violent attacks on the LGBT community have occurred in the days after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality.
A Florida pastor is under fire for posting on his church billboard an ugly anti-gay message, but he insists he doesn't hate anyone.
Legislation that would literally defund same-sex marriage in Texas was not brought up before the midnight deadline Thursday, but activists should not relax yet - here's...