How Many More Hate Crimes Will Be Committed Before Congress Passes The Matthew Shepard Act? Take a look at Joe Holladay. He was gay-bashed over gay...
@stevenblue @Napjeeper @thejoshuablog @stannyc @oliveroll @qmuser @AbbieH5 @bridgeout @tonynetz @kindlejunkie @timjheim @jimnnoke @CodyDaigle @GrrrlRomeo @StephanieInCA @marywallace @Cody_K @shaggieshapiro @timzero4 @morna1953 @colombiancoffee @qmuser @LisaGalentine @vautrin @Napjeeper @JDArtist...
An Open Letter To Representative Foxx May 15, 2009 Dear Representative Foxx, It’s been ten years, seven months, and fifteen days since the night Matthew Shepard...
NOM Marriage News: California Edition   May 1, 2009 Dear Jane, It’s not news to you and me: The drive to impose gay marriage “whether we like...