Hosts on Fox News‘ “Fox & Friends” Sunday held a conversation for several minutes using a new and already discredited story about Al Qaeda terrorists, a...
Most people, at least those on the left, can agree that diversity is an admirable goal. Diversity of points of view can make our arguments, a...
While some cable news channels had their chief legal correspondents and reporters explain to viewers what yesterday’s Supreme Court decision allowing prayer in local town meetings...
Leave it to the folks at Fox News to manage to find a way to blame President Barack Obama for everything bad that happens. Take yesterday’s...
It is a small world after all. A week ago a video showed up on YouTube featuring a five-year old girl who — on camera —...
Todd Starnes is getting more exposure over at Fox News. Officially the “host of Fox News & Commentary,” and “heard on hundreds of radio stations,” Starnes...
The “pro-family” folks over at Fox News‘ popular morning show, “Fox & Friends,” this morning were “shocked” over a comment President Barack Obama made yesterday. While...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Jon Stewart last night looked into what was behind the paranoia that created the environment allowing Arizona lawmakers to pass the so-called...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Fox News religion “reporter” Todd Starnes had a meltdown last night during the Grammys, as Queen Latifah married 33 same-sex and opposite-sex couples...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Maybe we admire and respect Jon Stewart so much because he consistently says what we’re all thinking. Like last night, in his...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; Dr. Keith Ablow this week is continuing his attacks on transgender people. The Fox News “Medical A-Team” columnist and on-air pundit in the...
Today, as the heat approached one-hundred degrees in Washington, D.C., some conservatives’ heads apparently felt the temperatures were more than double that, as they went ballistic...
Fox News has really gone deep into racism this time. The network that seemingly supported the murder of Trayvon Martin by defending George Zimmerman and stand...
Welcome to the world of Todd Starnes, the radical religious right, and Fox News “journalism.” Todd Starnes is Fox News‘ religion reporter. He appears on the...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today is touting a new Fox News poll that actually shows a tremendous increase in support of same-sex marriage since...