Fox News today — in an indefensible headline splashed across their front page — is suggesting President Obama or his administration cooked the books because the...
Fox News‘ “Fox & Friends” yesterday claimed that President Obama spent the day talking with a pirate in the Oval Office rather than meet with Israel’s prime...
Gawker’s John Cook has learned that Fox News creator and chief Roger Ailes offered “help off the record” to Bush Administration Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in...
➤ “Americans’ confidence in television news has hit an all-time low, according to a new survey by Gallup,” Dylan Byers writes at Politico: Twenty-one percent of the 1,004...
A Fox News anchor hosted a segment with a Tea Party leader and claimed U.S. Olympic gold medal winner Gabby Douglas and others aren’t showing enough...
Rupert Murdoch, the founder of Fox News and head of its parent company, News Corp., says it’s time for a ban on automatic weapons. While Murdoch’s Fox...
Rupert Murdoch‘s Fox News yesterday outed a former member of the Navy’s SEAL Team Six, who was part of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden....
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Fox News‘ Fox Nation covered, so to speak, today’s ACT UP naked protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office, running a short piece about...
Catholic League president Bill Donohue, who is always attacking someone — usually liberals or Democrats, or gays, or pro-gay liberal Democrats — yesterday went on Fox...
Laura Ingraham, a Fox News host and conservative radio commentator, today made what certainly seems to be an apparent transphobic attack on love and marriage. Ingraham...
Fox News has published a one-sided profile of bigoted anti-gay marriage activists written by the Associated Press, without offering any comments or input from same-sex marriage supporters....
A Fox News commissioned poll on same-sex marriage supposedly finds that a mere 37% of Americans support same sex marriage. The poll offers a civil unions...
Media Matters, an excellent watchdog of the radical right, today compared “news” coverage by Fox News Nation to Fox News Latino.
Fox News host Gretchen Carlson walked off the set of Fox & Friends today after ramped up misogynistic jokes proved too much for the 45-year old...
Editorial note: Click here for the Monday, January 20 debate information. Tonight, Monday, January 16, the GOP will hold its 21st Republican and Tea Party debate, this time...