While good ole W. may still be reviled, and rightly so, there’s a small but growing wave of empathy (yes, that nasty Obama Socialist term) among...
The American People Want A Grownup Conservative journalist, author, popular blogger Andrew Sullivan spoke yesterday with Fareed Zakaria about “the conservative media industrial complex.” Here’s an...
Um, ouch. The New York Daily News’ Elizabeth Benjamin reports that the Gillibrand camp is “is rather gleefully forwarding around this report that ran on the...
“The right thing to do from a talent standpoint.” https://youtube.com/watch?v=JW0_rbR2cK8%26hl%3Den_US%26fs%3D1%26border%3D1
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Lets Us Have The “Wills” From “Will And Grace,” Not The “Jacks” Last night, Saturday Night Live did a great job pegging...
“Americans Trust Those Who Tell Them What They Want To Hear” “A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most...
O’Reilly: “The Perception Of You Is That You’re Not That Smart.” Bill O’Reilly talks with former Republican Vice Presidential candidate, former Governor, former chair of the...
GLAAD: It’s Time Fox News “Catches†Up – Anti-Gay Jokes Unacceptable. Fox News continued it’s unfortunate history of making anti-gay jokes at Congressman Barney Frank’s (D-MA)...
Monica Crowley today on Fox News likened the Obama administration’s announcement today that it will no longer defend DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, in court,...
In a blistering supercut, CNN took aim Wednesday morning at right-wing media outlets and elected officials for spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19 vaccinations. “607,771 Americans have...
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis Thursday morning signed a voter suppression bill into law that massively restricts access to the ballot box, following the lead of...
The American people – at least those who don’t watch Fox News – are learning the depths of the false and misleading information some Fox News...
The president took to twitter to tell the country about what matters -- to him.
Donald Trump's latest attack on CNN reignited the "Things I Trust More Than Fox News" hashtag on Saturday, which began trending late Friday after the outlet...
White House Overnight Threatened War With Syria, President Attacks CNN's 'FAKE NEWS!'