NOTE: For the October 18 debate information, click here. Â When is the Fox News/Google GOP Republican debate Thursday? Here is all the information you need...
Highlights from Thursday night’s Fox News/Google GOP debate, featuring Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Jon Huntsman, and...
As gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans — and their news — become mainstream, will the gay news sites that have supported them be able to...
Tweet Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)Â once again has sunk about as low as an elected official can sink. Talking Points Memo reports that just moments ago, Rep....
Chaz Bono does not have a civil right to be transgender, suggests Fox News pundit Dr. Keith Ablow, discussing his recent column, “Don’t Let Your Kids...
As we wrap up this holiday week, it’s a good opportunity to look back on some important news stories, like Anti-​Gay Monster Rich Swier On WWPR, who says...
What? Bachmann “extreme?” Yes, Michele Bachmann (R-MN) tops the list of 2012 Republican presidential candidates who are “too extreme,” according to a new poll just released...
It’s been an amazing week for gay civil rights! First the awesome DOMA Senate hearing, and now, news that Friday the Pentagon will certify the DADT...
Fox News host Eric Bolling, under fire this week for saying, “we were certainly safe between 2000 and 2008 — I don’t remember any terrorist attacks on American soil during...
Lies, lies, more lies, religious extremism, and more lies seem to be the way we’re closing the work week today. New York State Senator and Reverend...
Yesterday I asked, “Is it me or does it seem like every day there are more and more right wing religious extremists who are getting more...
It’s been an interesting day, and one great for DADT repeal — but not so great for Michele Bachmann supporters. Here’s the news so far today,...
The same-sex marriage news out of Albany as of Tuesday afternoon is… well… progress on other fronts… But a vote is — if you’re an optimist...
The rumors out today that Texas Governor Rick Perry is gay are a “smear,” according to Fox Nation, a brand of the Fox News Channel. In...
Apologies for being absent Tuesday. Even bloggers get sick! Not Acceptable: The “R” Word What Makes Powerful Men Behave Like Pigs? American Support For Same-Sex Relationships...