FBI 'Reputation Is in Tatters - Worst in History!' Trump Cries
'She's Been Terrible to Gay People for the Longest Time' Sarandon Says of Hillary Clinton
Abuse of Power
Just one day before Robert Mueller will reportedly issue the first indictment in his Russia investigation, Donald Trump took to Twitter to attack Hillary Clinton and...
Donald Trump's former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski dismissed Friday's reporting that a grand jury had approved the first charges in Robert Mueller's Russia investigation-arguing that the...
Trump's Insane Fantasies Which He Parades as Fact Come Straight From Fox News - And That's Dangerous
Trump Says a Debunked Conspiracy Theory Is 'One of the Big Stories of the Decade'
'The Biggest Story That Fake Media Doesn't Want to Follow!' Trump Claims
Donald Trump spent the morning retweeting his praises, including a GIF of himself striking former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with a golf ball.
Prosecutors Call Shkreli a 'Danger to the Community'
Trump Campaign Had 'Understanding' With Russia Says Clinton
'I Did Not Collude With Any Foreign Government'
Conway pivoted to ObamaCare and Benghazi when confronted with the White House's conflicting statements.
'All Agree the U. S. President Has the Complete Power to Pardon' Trump Says, Wrongly