The White House's new Communications Director called his past views a "distraction," saying that he serves Donald Trump and "that's all that matters."
"One of the things Breitbart has done is you've captured the spirit of what's actually going on in this country," Scaramucci told the extremist website.
Trump's latest Twitter tantrum also attacked Democrats, provoked Republicans and defended Trump Jr.
Twitter Busts Out in Mockery With #WeMayNeverKnow Tweets
Says Trump Jr. 'Scorned' by 'Fake News Media'
'Someone Sent Me an Email. I Can't Help What Someone Sends Me. I Read It, I Responded Accordingly.'
'I Can't Think of Bigger Lies, but That Exactly Goes to Show You What the DNC and What the Clinton Camp Will Do' Trump Jr. Accused
'It Is Quite Possible That Maybe They Were Longing for Such an Information'
Kushner, Manafort, Trump Jr. Attended Meeting for 'Helpful Information' to Trump Campaign.
"It was immediately apparent Smith was well connected."
This Is Not What Joking Looks Like
Al Baldasaro Repeatedly Called for Clinton's Murder, Is 'Disgusted' by Gay U.S. Soldiers
Nunes Himself Has Denounced Unmasking and Insisted It's a Bigger Issue Than Russia
Did the Director of the FBI Lie to Congress?
Bottom Line: Trump Is Desperate and Nervous