Trey Gowdy Chaired the 29-Month Long Benghazi Investigation Against Hillary Clinton
Also Attacks 'Crooked' Hillary Clinton
Remember Trump Calling on 'The Second Amendment People' to Stop Hillary Clinton? Now Republicans Are Blaming the 'Rhetoric' From Democrats for the Shooting of a GOP...
But He Would Go Out of His Way to Comment on Hillary Clinton
Began as Retribution and a Personal Vendetta Against Hillary Clinton
Fake News Story Alleged That Comet Ping Pong Was Home To Chid Abuse Ring Led By Hillary Clinton
Is Trump Doing Many of Things He Falsely Charged Hillary Clinton of Doing?
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton Speaks At LGBT Nightclub In Florida
'Full Throttled' Endorsement of Hillary Clinton
She Also Claims Hillary Clinton Can't Win Arizona Because Hispanics "Don't Get Out And Vote"
Somewhere in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton is likely laughing, thinking to herself, "Is this the best they've got? Bring it on!"
Surrogate For GOP Nominee Defends Decision To Attack Hillary Clinton Over Monica Lewinsky Scandal
GOP Nominee Claims Democrat Hillary Clinton 'Could Be Crazy,' Accuses Her Of Cheating On Bill
Watch This Simple but Brilliant Ad by a Hillary Clinton Super PAC
GOP Nominee Made Erroneous Statements Four Times More Often Than Democrat Hillary Clinton, According To Politico