Democrats have been keeping tonight’s Democratic National Convention lineup and surprises top-secret, but there have been a few confirmed tidbits. Expect stars of stage, screen, politics,...
Archbishop Timothy Dolan last night launched an attack on same-sex marriage equality and abortion in his closing prayer while an “invited” guest in the Democrats’ home,...
President Barack Obama delivered an inclusive, honest, compelling argument for re-election to DNC attendees and the American people that led him to ask “for your vote.”...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s remarks at the DNC, as prepared for delivery. Fellow Democrats! That American dream is the story of America. We are...
Governor Mike Huckabee Wednesday night delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention during which he made ugly dog whistle remarks about Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, President...
Sarah Palin last night appeared on Fox News’ “Hannity” and told Sean Hannity that the vice presidential debate between Joe Biden and Paul Ryan reminded her...
Congress engages in political brinksmanship on making a deal as the fiscal cliff looms within hours of the New Year On the eve of the New...
Glenn Beck is telling House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, and Vice President Joe Biden they are not real Catholics and should quit the Catholic Church. Beck,...
 2009 As the world now knows, on January 20, 2009, the night Senator Barack Obama officially became President Barack Obama, Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and...
Elizabeth Warren, who is running against GOP Senator Scott Brown, received huge applause and standing ovations that at time drowned out her speech to the DNC....
Michelle Obama said voting rights are “the movement of our era,” and that “casting our ballots… must be all of us,” in a speech at yesterday’s Congressional Black Caucus...
Three top-level Obama Administration officials have come out publicly in support of same-sex marriage equality, including Vice President Joe Biden on Sunday, and Education Secretary Arne...
Maggie Gallagher, the former president and former chairman of the board of NOM, the National Organization for Marriage, today attempted to defuse and minimize the story about NOM’s...
Please, Sir, May I Have Some S’Mores? Unsurprisingly, outgoing Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese today put on his Obama 2012 Co-Chair hat and ran defense for the...
President Obama is expected to discuss his views on same-sex marriage in an interview slated for this afternoon with Robin Roberts of ABC News. Gay marriage has...