The state of Michigan could not have done the LGBT community a bigger favor than it did by forming its expert witness list in the case...
USA Today, in a case of journalistic malpractice, chose to publish today an op-ed supporting so-called “ex-gay” or “reparative” therapy, a practice that has been denounced...
Christian Evangelist Kirk Cameron on Sunday at a prayerfest attacked Democrats by claiming, falsely, that, “according to our forefathers, God is the platform.” Cameron, who appeared with...
Minnesota For Marriage, the anti-gay marriage group which is currently losing the race to write discrimination into their state constitution, stands accused of using paid National...
Tea Party Republican Todd Akin says that evolution is not “a matter of science,” because he’s “taken a look at both sides of the thing.” Akin...
Thomas Peters, who fancies himself the “American Papist,” and serves as the “Culture Director” for NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, today reacted strongly to an article...
INTRODUCTION A fraudulent, anti-gay “study” that Mark Regnerus carried out at the University of Texas at Austin (UT) became the object of a scientific and scholarly...
On August 16, 2012, Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank published an article in which he despicably alleged that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is as bad for...
NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, is well-known for stealing. In the past it’s been copyrighted photographs, copyrighted magazine articles, and copyrighted music. More recently, it...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It took conservatives a mere 90 minutes past President Obama‘s 1:30 AM Election Day victory speech to float the idea of improving...
According to Robert P. George‘s Princeton University bio, Robert George sits on the Board of Directors  of the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council (FRC). George...
On August 9, 2012, the Austin American-Statesman published a story titled: “Flap over study on gay parenting raises questions about private funding for research.” The story...
The e-mail below was sent by The New Civil Rights Movement’s Scott Rose to the University of Texas, Austin’s Research Integrity Officer Robert Peterson, as a...
The Republicans’ Problem Imagine you are Mitt Romney, running as a Republican for president. Your net worth is about $250 million. The people most eager to...
At the end of March, 2012, National Organization for Marriage internal strategy documents were released through court order. NOM’s documents described a repugnant strategy of “driving...