A majority of Americans say they will never vote for Sarah Palin or Donald Trump for president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. The divisive pair both...
In Ontario, the race for Premier — the leader of that Canadian province — has been marred by something very rare: negative campaign ads, and anti-gay...
GOP veteran Congressional staffer of 28 years, Mike Lofgren, who retired in June, just published a 6114 word attack on today’s Republican party, classifying them as “an...
Regular readers know that almost never do we interrupt you with site-specific news, information, or requests, but we’re going to do just that very quickly right...
If you want American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer to finally be quiet on issues of homosexuality, you’ll have to accept his world view on the topic....
It’s time for me to start wrapping my head around the idea that Barack Obama may not make it. I’m not saying he will definitely lose...
President Obama yesterday declared “unconstitutional” the Defense of Marriage Act, also known as DOMA, and said he and the DOJ would no longer defend the fifteen-year...
Rick Perry, the latest in the radical, religious, Republican race to the presidency, lies twice as much as he tells the truth. No, this isn’t partisan...
The Presbyterian Church is facing an internal split that will see the National Mexican Presbyterian Church of Mexico (NPCM) leave the U.S. Church. Theologically, the Mexican...
A federal appeals court has ruled that the individual mandate of the 2010 Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, but the rest of the law can remain...
Yesterday, I wrote, “From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and...
We’ve been palling around with Spongebob Squarepants, Spider-Man, and terrorists today! We’ve been treated to Maggie Gallagher’s “love,” Maggie Gallagher’s “intolerable harassment,” some great Matt Damon...
Ann Coulter, a lightening rod desperate for a thunder storm of attention, Wednesday night told cable news host Joy Behar that she is sick of gays...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, every year holds a straw poll to determine who its members want as their next Republican presidential nominee. The actual...
CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, is an event held annually by a group of American right-wing conservative extremists, hell-bent on taking down Barack Obama and the...