The Duggar family is using a PR expert to help them through the firestorm surrounding news that their son Josh allegedly molested five young girls. That...
Republican presidential candidate George Pataki offered a more American response to transgender people than the one Mike Huckabee recently shared at a religious convention.
Josh Duggar's actions as a teen are "inexcusable," but not "unforgivable," says conservative Christian and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. "We will run to them...
Watch as Mike Huckabee announces he is running for president.
Ordained Baptist minister and former Republican governor Mike Huckabee will bring his unique blend of Southern charm and anti-gay hate to the 2016 presidential race.
Mike Huckabee this week told a group of Christian Hispanics he speaks their language - no, the other one. Except, he really doesn't.
Mike Huckabee this morning posted to Twitter his presidential campaign announcement video even though he hasn't officially announced White House run. Worse, it's embarrassingly out of...
Former governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee will reportedly announce when he will announce his decision on his candidacy for president yet gain, tonight.
Likely GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee came out swinging against LGBT activists, none of whom he thinks are real Christians.
Jon Stewart had a great time mocking Mike Huckabee's supposedly bible-based hate of homosexuals, by asking the perfect question about bakeries.
Mike Huckabee today revealed that if he does run for President, it will be on a platform of fighting for Christian extremism.
Jon Stewart took Mike Huckabee to task for his overriding beliefs that the Southern way of life is better than the rest of America's.
Former governor Mike Huckabee on Sunday told ABC News, "it's not my nature to be a bully." Just how demonstrably false is that claim?
When it comes to understanding the institution he most attacks, Mike Huckabee has a large imagination and not much else.
Having compared abortion to the Holocaust, Mike Huckabee told a group of pastors that same-sex marriage will destroy the foundation of civilization.