var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Jimmy LaSalvia is not one for who speaks softly by padding or editing his words to make them sound nice. In a 2011Â Twitter...
In May of 2005, Donald Trump founded Trump University. You could attend online, make friends, buy a tee shirt, and even supposedly make a lot of...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true};Parts 4 & 5 in a 7-part investigative series Republican political operatives are about to give anti-LGBT hate groups just what they crave:...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; It was less than a year ago that the name Dave Agema drew national attention — and outrage. Agema had posted on...
Echoing Rick Santorum‘s comments that embracing same-sex marriage would be “suicidal” for the Republican Party, Bryan Fischer tells David Pakman that four million conservative voters “just...
Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire international casino mogul and a top GOP contributor to several super PACs that mostly supported Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, stated that his...
Over 80 Republicans have signed an amicus brief asking the Supreme Court to find a constitutional right to marriage for same-sex couples. Who are these extraordinarily...
The founder of the Montana Tea Party Patriots posted on Facebook a racist photo of a box propped over a watermelon and attached to string, with...
“My First Rifle,” a gun made by Crickett, has taken down their Facebook and Twitter pages, and, in fact, their entire website since news broke early...
Paleoconservative Pat Buchanan is a racist. There’s no way out of that classification, and his latest screed makes that fact all the more clear. For those who...
An elected state representative who happens also to be a Native American didn’t mince words — or history — when an anti-immigrant politician tried to push a...
The Boy Scouts of America‘s 1400 member National Council this afternoon in Grapevine, Texas voted to allow gay boys into the 103-year old private, faith-based organization. The...
Editor’s note: July 6, 2013 — Read our update, “The Story Of Lon And Jim: Torn Apart After 34 Years By The Hidden Evils Of Marriage...
Former Republican Governor Mark Sanford has beat Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch in a special Congressional election for SC-01. Colbert Busch would have been the first woman in a half-century to take the seat....
Research Medical Center is the hospital that had Roger Gorley, a gay man who was visiting his husband, Allen Mansell, handcuffed and arrested despite his having legal medical power...