Conservatives are now attacking General David Petraeus, the CIA Director who resigned today because he had an extramarital affair. Petraeus just months ago was considered a possible...
var addthis_config = {“data_track_addressbar”:true}; 2012 was definitely an election year of epic proportions, a watershed moment in history that no one alive will soon forget. But...
Juan Williams, a Fox News analyst, today published an op-ed at The Hill that slams the GOP’s “false narratives,” “hypocrisy,” and “deliberate misinformation about the Benghazi...
@FiredBigBird, the Twitter account hatched by an enterprising Obama supporter angry Mitt Romney wants to fire PBS, is back, after Twitter had suspended his account this...
Michelle and Barack Obama were married 20 years ago today. I doubt the idea the Barack would be debating Mitt Romney tonight ever dawned on the...
Tonight the Huffington Post published video of GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan claiming “Seventy percent of Americans want the American dream. They believe in the...
This is the GOP’s final language of their 2012 platform, which delegates will vote on this week. They’re also voting on Mitt Romney to be their...
Todd Akin is making the GOP “the Party of Rape,” says the National Review, and concludes, “Republicans cannot deal with Congressman Todd Akin swiftly or severely...
Congressman Paul Ryan is being a good vice-presidential nominee and deferring to Mitt Romney‘s decision to support abortion in cases of rape and incest — though,...
Congressman Todd Akin, despite losing funding from the GOP and Karl Rove, and despite top Republican politicos like Erick Erickson, founder of RedState and a CNN...
No, gay people are not going to steal your children — but Bryan Fischer believes it’s his duty to Christ to steal the children of gay...
Fox News host Greg Gutfeld, co-host of the Glenn Beck replacement, “The Five,” yesterday said that President Obama is “officially gay for class warfare,” another not-so-subtle...
The Republican National Committee is paying for this attack ad on President Obama. This billboard, which is in the critical swing state of Florida (remember the...
Politifact is (essentially) saying Rush Limbaugh — the head of the GOP — is a liar, and pins on him their worst: the “pants on fire” award....
The Boy Scouts have just lost their largest corporate donor over their unrelenting insistence to exclude — and even expel — from all levels any gay, bisexual,...