Scott DesJarlais, a Tea Party Republican U.S. Congressman from Tennessee, who is also a medical doctor, had an affair with a patient while still married to his...
Now that president Obama has won, and America has decided hate is bad, and being pro-choice, pro-women, pro-gays, pro-minorities pro-people over corporations, pro-jobs, and pro-health care...
Rush Limbaugh infamously claimed yesterday that President Obama tampered with National Weather Service data to force the GOP to cancel the Republican National Convention in Tampa....
Colin Small, the man arrested yesterday for throwing filled out and completed voter registration forms into a recycling dumpster in Virginia, was previously employed by Nathan...
 In post-election call NOM president says, ‘These are not countries that look kindly on same-sex marriage”  The National Organization for Marriage is pledging to...
Bryan Fischer says the GOP shouldn’t be trying to help Hispanics in America and shouldn’t pretend they will become Republicans, rather, the GOP must “clamp down”...
Despite Florida‘s despicable election system and the fact that they are the only state to not have finished their election day counting (New York and New...
Juris Imprudence: In Unprecedented Remarks, Supreme Court Justice Tells Buyers Of His Book How He Will Rule In Upcoming Landmark Cases Antonin Scalia, possibly the most extreme...
Editor’s note: Please read the update at the bottom. In September, 2008, as the stock market was teetering and just about ready to plunge the country...
The unemployment rate ticked up one tenth of a point to 7.9 percent, from 7.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), because of...
America’s likely voters handed President Obama a slam-dunk hands-down thumbs-up win on his handling of Hurricane Sandy. The Commander In Chief was given a 78% approval...
Ken Cuccinelli, the Attorney General of Virginia (image, top), is refusing to investigate Colin Small, the man arrested for throwing into a dumpster voter registration forms....
The New York Times’ Nate Silver continues to increase his predictions of a President Obama win, and now gives Obama an 83.7% chance of a second...
Does the Family Research Council just blatantly fib about the politicians who are attending the Values Voters Summit, perhaps hoping that once people see they’re attending, they’re...
Editor’s Note: Read out update: Values Voters Summit: Does Family Research Council Just Fib About Who’s Speaking?  Tony Perkins today told reporters that Rep. Todd Akin...