Mitt Romney endorsed Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock on Monday. On Tuesday, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Mourdock‘s comments, that children born of rape are...
James Wright is editor of the Elsevier journal Social Science Research. Because Wright allowed Mark Regnerus‘s booby-trapped anti-gay study with NOM-linked funding to be published through a corrupt process in violation of science publishing...
This guest post is by Tobias Barrington Wolff, professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and was originally published at the University of...
In a free society, perhaps most sacred is the right to vote. An opportunity for your voice to be heard. This is not the time to...
Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell isn’t alone Almost seven out of ten registered Republicans, 68% specifically, believe demonic possession is real. Overall, the number drops...
David Koch, arguably one of the founders — and definitely one of, if not the largest funders — of the anti-tax Tea Party, announced last night...
2012 may be the most important Presidential election of your lifetime. For me, not voting has never been an option and this year not exercising your...
A hoax study on gay parenting funded by the NOM-linked Witherspoon Institute and marked by deliberate deception and fraud is currently being used as an anti-equality weapon in the...
Barack Obama today coined a new term, “Romnesia,” saying, Mitt Romney is “changing up so much, we’ve got to name this condition that he’s going through...
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been chosen to deliver the keynote address at the RNC Convention later this month. Christie is known as a loud...
Jane Lynch just posted to Twitter this video of dozens of women — including Lena Dunham and Lesley Gore — singing “You Don’t Own Me,” and explaining...
Thursday night, after attending the Al Smith Dinner, President Obama‘s interview with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show aired, and the President promised his administration will...
Editor’s note: Read our update:Â Nathan Sproul Employed Man Arrested For Throwing Voter Registrations In Dumpster A GOP voter registration contractor has just been arrested in Harrisonburg,...
Tony Perkins is suggesting that members of the U.S. military are being disenfranchised because the military top brass “just haven’t been able to get these voting...
No sooner had marriage equality been voted into law in New York on June 24, 2011, than the evil anti-gay-rights bigots of the National Organization for...