Sarah Palin last night tried to explain to Fox News why she voted for Newt Gingrich, but instead spewed strange and incomprehensible conspiracy theories and old...
Donald Trump‘s latest paranoid conspiracy theory rant is that vaccines cause autism in children. The failed Republican presidential wannabe candidate told Fox News that he “couldn’t...
Pat Robertson today told a conflicted woman that her lesbian sister is “evil,” and therefore she may not attend her sister’s wedding — to do so...
Republican Congressmen during a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday thwarted questioning by Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson when he attempted to ask a representative from the SPLC-certified anti-gay...
Leave it to Lou Dobbs at Fox Business to come up with this: The new Universal Pictures animated film, “The Lorax,” based on a Dr. Seuss...
In a time when thousands upon thousands are dying in religious and political wars, when diseases like cancer and AIDS are killing millions, one Christian group...
2012 is turning out to be a really bad, totally terrible year for conservatives, Republicans, and Tea Party types. So bad, in fact that conservatives and...
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir yesterday compared and contrasted President Obama and Rick Santorum. Bashir’s point: You have a choice for president this year. “Do you want intervention...
Last week, Rep. Darrell Issa‘s all-male House hearing on contraception made headlines around the world for its tone-deafness and for simply reinforcing the fact that the...
Did Rick Santorum just go crazy this weekend? Or did the frontrunner get a little too comfortable and let his guard down a little too far?...
Former Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry not only did so poorly on the campaign trail that they had to quit (“suspend”) their campaigns,...
Governor Jan Brewer‘s lie about how President Barack Obama treated her on the tarmac has been proven false by a fellow Republican, Mesa, Arizona Mayor Scott Smith....
One year ago today, David Kato, the famous Uganda LGBT activist, was brutally bludgeoned to death by at least one man wielding a hammer. Today, filmmakers...
This is the best time in the history of the planet to be homosexual. New York was added to the marriage equality club, “Don’t Ask, Don’t...
Santorum Commits To Invalidating Existing Gay Marriages At tonight’s GOP debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich called married gay couples “friends,” demeaning the significance of...