The White House Office of the Press Secretary December 01, 2011 Presidential Proclamation — World AIDS Day, 2011 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED...
Meghan McCain, whom many liberals think should be the new face of the floundering GOP, takes a moment from her new job at MSNBC, to pause...
Arizona’s Scottsdale Gun Club is hosting its second annual have-your-picture-taken-with-Santa photo op, where children (of all ages — and by all, I mean even five) can...
Why isn’t the Right up in arms over Governor Sam Brownback’s demand that a teen who tweeted her thoughts on him write an apology. The First...
Tuesday night the GOP held the 14th Tea Party and Republican Party debate, this time sponsored by CNN, the very conservative Heritage Foundation and equally-​conservative American...
On his radio show today, Rush Limbaugh “explained” all the reasons why Michelle Obama was booed at Sunday’s NASCAR race. The First Lady appeared with Dr....
Sunday evening New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a press conference to announce the NYPD had arrested a suspect in a terror plot, but in...
Michele Bachmann should be sent back to elementary school. It’s no wonder why Republicans like Bachmann want to get rid of the Department of Education. But...
The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to three women advocates of non-violent action; UK’s Prime Minister endorses gay marriage to party loyalists– Tories and religious leaders protest strongly; the American”Occupy” movement exponentially explodes....
Across the nation on election day Tuesday, voters — who went to the polls in higher-than usual numbers — had little trouble pushing back the inroads...
CBS, Google, Levi’s, Starbucks, New Balance, and Xerox are among the 70 companies and cities that have signed an amicus brief stating that DOMA, the 1996...
Governor Perry, I read your furious response to a recent White House memorandum where you called President Obama’s leadership “silly” for strengthening international protections of LGBT...
Even though it is sort of my job to do so, I have a really hard time sitting through these GOP debates. First of all, there...
Republican Congressman Trent Franks of Arizona says that straight marriages deserve “special” rights, and says that gay marriage a “threat to the nation’s survival.” In a radio...
Michele Bachmann, purveyor of lies, gaffes, and a rewriting of American history, moments ago during a GOP family values presidential debate claimed that all presidents since...