The so-called “pro-family” hate group, the Family Research Council, has awarded a deadbeat dad Congressman, Tea Party Freshman Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), with a 100% “True Blue” rating...
Today is the 276th birthday of John Adams, founding father, second President of the United States of America. On September 10, 1785, in  a letter to John...
GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry on Friday, just hours before the deadline, filed his paperwork to formally become a candidate in the New Hampshire Republican primary....
Gay marriage is still illegal in Massachusetts, according to Jack Minor, who writes for the Greeley Gazette, a Greeley, Colorado online newspaper. In a piece titled, “Romney...
Rachel Maddow last night examined the photoshopping of copyright protected photos by NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, and says, “caught you!” For more, read: NOM...
Elizabeth Warren says she supports the Occupy Wall Street movement, and in fact, says she created the foundation that the movement is based upon — and...
Rep. Allen West (R-FL) says that the Nazi Party, the Socialist Party the Communist Party, and the unions are all part of the Occupy Wall Street...
Thursday night’s GOP debate between Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, and Gary Johnson showcased the anti-gay politics of the GOP, but especially of...
A Tennessee hospital that denied a lesbian patient her legal rights of visitation by her same-sex partner is the focus of outrage today, and being called...
Herman Cain says he now supports a federal ban on gay marriage. A federal ban is one step past DOMA, the federal Defense of Marriage Act,...
During last night’s CNN GOP debate a typically ignorant Republican voter asked the candidates if they thought we should cut foreign aid around the world because...
Vandals spray painted the words “fags burn” and “die” across the outside front door and display case doors at the GLBT Center of North Carolina State...
The Tea Party knows no shame, and now is attempting to claim the late and great Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who passed away just not even...
Via Guardian UK: A protest was staged against rightwing talkshow host Glenn Beck today, calling for his immediate removal from Fox News. The organisers, Jewish Funds for Justice...
What does the GOP’s election this afternoon of Reince Priebus as Chairman mean for gay rights? Not a lot. And yet, as the man who is...