There should be no doubt the Tea Party wants America to die. There should be no doubt upon watching this video, upon witnessing the actions of...
Dan Savage talked Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell with Lawrence O’Donnell, and also discussed Michele Bachmann’s gay marriage stance, Monday night on MSNBC. Savage said the the...
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds Rick Perry leading the 2012 GOP pack, with Mitt Romney a distant second, and Ron Paul rounding out the top...
 This Week in Review is highlighted by gay xenophobia in Serbia, and the burgeoning “Occupy Wall Street” protests were marked by labor unions joining the fight...
As gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Americans — and their news — become mainstream, will the gay news sites that have supported them be able to...
In a hotly-fought battle by everyone — except the actual candidates — Jewish Democrat Assemblyman David Weprin lost to Roman Catholic retired media executive Robert Turner in a...
I’m working on a few stories now about John McCain and Sarah Palin and President Obama, so I thought I’d offer this optimistic message to start...
Sarah Palin this morning released this tone-deaf, rhetoric-laden video to tell America what she thinks of the tragic Tucson, Arizona shooting four days ago that left...
The good folks at Box Turtle Bulletin were gracious enough to let me share this photo taken Sunday with you. Editor Jim Burroway writes, “As my...
Within hours after the tragedy in Tucson, which took the lives of six people and wounded a dozen or more others, including Democratic Congresswoman Gabby Giffords,...
A few months ago, just after September’s devastating anti-gay bulling suicides that took the lives of at least ten teens, the Public Religion Research Institute released...
Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona, delivered a sermon in 2009 so vile it landed him on the Southern Poverty...
“The only thing the repeal of DADT changes is that LGB folks can now fight and possibly die for this country. It does not allow for...
On Sunday, September 11, Pamela Geller and her merry band of Islamophobists, “Stop Islamization of America,” appeared at Ground Zero and held an anti-Muslim hate rally...
Your tax dollars just paid to create this slick, anti-Obama video that propels Speaker of the House John Boehner’s big jobs lie: regulations are killing jobs,...