Anti-gay Christian rocker and youth minister Bradlee Dean says the reason he is suing Rachel Maddow is to protect kids from gays? Dean, who announced Wednesday...
Top conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer says Michele Bachmann is being “unbelievably irresponsible” in her decision to not vote to raise the debt ceiling. Krauthammer, with whom...
From breast pumps to Big Bird, and from food stamps to family planning, the GOP is waging a war on America’s women and children. Full-fledged Republican...
GOProud, the gay Tea Party conservative group, announced today that they “are committed to defeating Barrack Obama in 2012,” and they “want to be helpful to...
The “Tea Party can go straight to hell,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told a crowd of more than one thousand of her constituents Saturday evening, after...
On Wednesday, in an historic, first-ever hearing to assess the impact of DOMA on families, and to consider its repeal, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a...
Yesterday, Rep. Allen West totally lost his cool and got really, really mad at Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As The New Civil Rights Movement reported, West,...
At Wednesday’s Senate DOMA repeal hearing, Senator Chuck Grassley, the Republican senior Senator from Iowa, had a great deal to say on “traditional marriage,” several of...
The Family Leader’s founder and author of the controversial anti-gay, anti-porn, anti-Islam, pro-slavery “Marriage Vow,” Bob Vander Plaats, loves a good fag joke, as you can...
The Pentagon will certify it is ready to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) on Friday, almost seven months to the day since President Obama signed...
Coming off a weekend of more Bachmann and Bachmann reporting, it looks like the story about the ex-gay practices of Michele and Marcus Bachmann aren’t going...
Lies, lies, more lies, religious extremism, and more lies seem to be the way we’re closing the work week today. New York State Senator and Reverend...
Yesterday I asked, “Is it me or does it seem like every day there are more and more right wing religious extremists who are getting more...
This year, we have seen historic progress for LGBT rights, in particular on marriage equality, at both the state and federal levels. Most recently, of course,...
The women of The View attacked Bob Vander Palaats and his conservative, anti-gay, anti-Islam, anti-porn, pro-slavery “Marriage Vow,” that Republican presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick...