This weekend – some important reminders for our New York City-area friends! First, The Amazingly Queer Race For Economic Justice! It’s taking place in New York City...
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pointedly referenced a “disturbing trend of 2010 was the repression of vulnerable minorities, including racial and ethnic and religious minorities along with lesbian,...
An “LGBT ‘supportive environment'” in schools was encouraged by the Department of Justice today in testimony delivered by Jocelyn Samuels, Senior Counselor to the Assistant Attorney...
The United Nations this week, in an historic vote led by the United States and cosponsored by 85 countries, voted to condemn violence against LGBT people...
Today we looked at the official Ethics Committee report on the Senator John Ensign Scandal, Queers for Economic Justice’s 5th Annual Amazingly Queer Race, and we gave...
GOProud Co-Founder & Executive Director Jimmy LaSalvia on an NPR public radio member station Thursday once again attacked his Democratic, Progressive, and Liberal homosexual, lesbian, bisexual,...
Welcome to Memorial Day Weekend here at The New Civil Rights Movement! We have a lot in store for you this holiday weekend, so when you...
Newt Gingrich, the most pessimistic GOP politician in America, announces his candidacy for President of the United States in this just-released video by saying, “I believe...
Your first stop to see what’s happening. NOW: Uganda’s Kill The Gays Bill Disappears From Parliament Schedule – For Now Obama Approval Rating Rises To 60%,...
Editor’s note: For the most up-to-date news on Uganda’s Kill The Gays bill, visit our Uganda section. Pastor Martin Ssempa, the top religious advocate for the...
I subscribe to the tenet that journalists shouldn’t become the story but this one is too perfect to pass up. I’m a big admirer of NYC-based...
In 2011, the world witnessed the heinous murder of David Kato, a Ugandan gay activist who was bludgeoned to death in January, setting a sober tone...
“Maggie Gallagher has blood on her hands,†says GOP presidential candidate, Fred Karger, of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Chair, regarding gay teen suicides. “No...
Now it can be told; the gays did a very bad thing. The jury’s come in and the consensus of the very serious people is the...
“China is in control of the Panama Canal,” according to Rep. Allen West (R-FL), who delivered the shocking news last week in a Florida town hall....