The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, says that anti-gay hate crimes are on the rise, and cites New York City, Brazil, Honduras, and South...
Here’s a photo of President Obama, Joe Biden, and a gasping Hillary Clinton, along with members of the national security team, receiving an update on the mission...
“Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America...
Presents U.S. LGBT Movement New Opportunity To Forge Progressive Political Agenda With Allies From Madison to Tripoli, the conventional understanding of political order at home and...
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly discusses how birther racism isn’t racism. “I don’t see all these racial confrontations in the country and I do this every...
Almost half of all Americans, 47%, have an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, the highest unfavorable Gallup has ever recorded of the nascent, loosely-organized group...
Last night, Fox News’ birther-conspiracy theory pusher Sean Hannity repeatedly told his guests and his audience how he never really believed the birthers. But Hannity, who...
The Uganda “Kill The Gays” bill, infamous around the world for its provision mandating the death penalty for anyone convicted of the “crime” of homosexuality, anyone convicted...
As soon as the news broke that the U.S. had killed Osama bin Laden, celebratory crowds of hundreds, even thousands, massed across the country in places...
Just as Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) claimed Matthew Shepard’s hate-crime murder was the by-product of a robbery, police in Kampala, Uganda, are calling LGBT activist David...
Peter Sprigg, Vice President of Policy Studies for the certified anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, today teamed up with the Washington Times to suggest gay blogger Perez...
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release April 22, 2011 EARTH DAY, 2011 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA...
The New York Times‘ Nate Silver has identified the tipping point for marriage equality advocates and writes today in “Gay Marriage Opponents Now in Minority,” that “opponents...
In his regular Friday weekly, apocalyptic, fundraising email, NOM’s president, Brian Brown revealed the National Organization for Marriage has a secret one million dollar donor who is willing...
The United Nations takes historical steps in support of LGBT human rights,  the Centers for Disease Control reports  epidemic sexual and intimate partner violence toward  American...