Fox News And Tucker Carlson Try To Figure Out “How To Fix” The Fact That College Makes People More Liberal. CPAC Bemoans The Fact That College...
You Should, Too. A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court declared that money is speech. Well, finally, LGBTQ groups have decided to stop “speaking,” as it...
It’s rather ironic, if you think about it. The one politically untouchable segment of our country is the military. Presidents and Senators often say they will...
Despite all the momentum over the past few weeks (not to mention the huge focus this year!) is it possible that the vote to repeal “Don’t...
Less than one week ago, President Barack Obama stood in front of America and said the magic words — words he has said many times before,...
A just-released Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll “of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans” reveals what you may have thought — or feared — about conservatives and the GOP....
In advance of tomorrow’s (hopefully) historic announcement by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, there’s news and rumor coming in fast and furious. Here’s an overview: The...
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin has indeed scheduled hearings on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” for next Tuesday. Via DC Agenda: “Defense Secretary Robert Gates...
Progressive Civil Rights Author, Activist, Professor Howard Zinn DIes At 87. Howard Zinn, author of “A People’s History of the United States,” has died at the...
Will 66,000 LGBTQ Americans — And Their Families — Sleep Better Wednesday Night? There are 66,000 active members of the United States military who are LGBTQ,...
Welcome to the New GOP, and to the New America. It’s not your father’s GOP, it’s not your father’s America. It’s your grandfather’s. Let’s take a...
Although the language has changed over the past year, and moreso since it was originally penned on, here’s the President’s current position, according to
I know, amazing, isn’t it. Harold Ford, the Blue-Dog-Democrat, the Chair of the right-wing Democratic Leadership Council, the man who ran in Tennessee against gays and...
John McCain Shows Who The Family Bigot Is. STATEMENT BY JOHN McCAIN REGARDING THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE “Senator McCain respects the views of members of his...
Success! No “Breakfast” For “Kill The Gays” Author Bahati! The author of Uganda’s “Kill The Gays” bill isn’t coming to breakfast. David Bahati will not attend...